About Botanical Bridges Congress

the congress of the Caribbean and Central American Botanic Garden Network

"strengthening collaboration among botanical gardens of the Caribbean and Central America"

Goals of Botanical Bridges

The Botanical Bridges Congress promotes the exchange of experiences and innovations in conservation, horticulture, education and research issues to solve common challenges of the botanic gardens in the region, and associated institutions.

The 2018 Botanic Bridges Congress will take place at the National Botanic Garden in Havana, Cuba, from April 2 to 5, 2018.


Topics of the Congress

  • Collections management, gardening, and landscaping
  • The role of botanic gardens in plant conservation
  • Economic sustainability of botanic gardens and ecotourism
  • Research and scientific publications from botanic gardens and associated institutions
  • Training, capacity building and education in botanic gardens
  • Community outreach and evaluation methods
  • Exchange of experiences and sustainability of regional networks
  • Botanic Gardens and the 2020 ‘Aichi’ Biodiversity Targets
  • Botanic Gardens - natural disasters and climate change challenges
  • Contribution of botanic gardens to the spread, monitoring, and control of invasive species